Scholarship Fund Selection Committee
Volunteers are needed to join the Epsilon Pi of Sigma Nu Scholarship Selection Committee. Applications for the next round of scholarship grants will be submitted
Volunteers are needed to join the Epsilon Pi of Sigma Nu Scholarship Selection Committee. Applications for the next round of scholarship grants will be submitted
The active chapter is led by Eminent Commander Peter Slaats (EP 2027) who is currently a junior studying Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Technology
On May 19th, 2018, Epsilon Pi brothers of Sigma Nu are invited to attend the Black Knight Reunion at the UCLA chapter house to celebrate
The landscape of Greek life is changing, and many alumni across the country struggle with how to address their relationship to an institution that seems
Enterprising even at a young age and bright in school, Larry was accepted to UCLA and pledged Sigma Nu in 1965. He served as a House Manager, Rush Chairman, Pledge Trainer and, perhaps most impressively, helped lead the house to 5 consecutive All-University Intramural Championships (1965-1969).
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